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Hello and welcome! 

My name is Justina Nova. I’m a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach based in Spain.


In 2023, I graduated from “Your Nutrition Academy”, a German online educational institution.


In my coaching practice, I specialize in using the teachings of Anthony William (The Medical Medium®) to help people worldwide heal chronic health illnesses. 

It's been almost 4 years of practicing and perfecting this lifestyle daily. 

Also, I speak fluently 4 languages: English, Spanish, Bulgarian, and Russian.

The truth is that you can heal! I’m here to offer you guidance and support, sharing the true causes and developing a strategy, that is right for you and your specific situation. 

I will help you learn how you can be your expert so that you can continue using this knowledge for the rest of your life. 

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My Healing Story

I understand you because

I was just like you a few years ago …

At 33 years old, my health collapsed after doing a strict one-year high-fat, high-protein ketogenic diet.


Doctors or nutritionists never gave me real solutions on how to heal my chronic symptoms. I was left with no answers and a bunch of medications.


Before that tipping point, I was vegan for a year, paleo, pescetarian, and vegetarian for many years. Nothing worked.


Besides sudden hair loss/alopecia areata, I had the following symptoms and conditions:


depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bladder/yeast/ear/nose infections, painful period, arrhythmia, insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, migraines, bloating, constipation,


mild dermatitis, extra weight, halitosis, teeth decay, moodswings, ADHD, memory issues, pain in my left knee, calf pain at night, soft nails/dry skin, addictions like chocolate, coffee, gluten, dairy, junk food/drinks, overeating.

I found Anthony William’s work back in 2020 and that has completely transformed my life. Since then, I’ve successfully healed over 30 chronic symptoms and conditions and was inspired to help others heal as well.

It became my life's purpose to help

people reclaim their power and health.​

Ready to take the first step and start healing?

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