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Why work with a coach
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Overcome chronic illness naturally!

Holistic Nutrition Coaching with Justina

Why work with a Holistic Nutrition Coach?

I can help with


Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses such as autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, digestive issues and many more can be challenging to manage. As a holistic nutrition coach, I use mainly Medical Medium information to support your body's natural healing abilities.

Low Energy

Are you feeling tired all the time? Do you struggle to get through the day without caffeine or sugar? I can help you identify the root cause of your fatigue and create a plan to increase your energy levels.


Our bodies are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. I can help you support your body's natural detoxification process through dietary changes and targeted supplements.


Women's Health

As a woman, you face unique health challenges throughout your life. From menstrual irregularities to menopause, I can provide personalized support and guidance to help you easily navigate these transitions. You don't have to suffer from fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, cystitis, UTI etc.! There is a way out of this for sure!

Weight Management

Are you struggling to lose weight despite your best efforts? I can help you identify the underlying causes of your weight gain and create a plan that works for your body.

Stress Management

Chronic stress can have a major impact on your health and wellbeing. I can teach you tools and techniques to manage stress and improve your overall resilience.

There are many adrenaline triggers that can trap you in a loop. Knowing the tools to handle them is key!


Client Experiences

health coaching client


After working with Justina, I was able to clearly see the bigger picture about my symptoms and what to do in order to heal. With Justina’s supportive coaching style, I was able to gain the confidence and knowledge about healing and how to incorporate MM protocols into my life. My depression was really bad when I met Justina, and I’m happy to say that it has gotten 80% better now. My joint and muscle pain are also almost gone. I’m so thankful for her helpful and encouraging work and our coaching sessions.

health coaching client


Hello Justina, my doctor shared great news today and said that I have won the battle against Richter's Lymphoma, which was quite an aggressive type of cancer, and also against CLL. Also, some strange spots on my liver that were showing up previously on the scan, have disappeared. I think the Chemo has worked and the fact that I have followed your dietary recommendations like having celery juice for the past 6 months and so on, had a very positive effect. Now a recovery period begins for me so that my body can return to what it was. I'll be updating more. Thank you and see you soon, big hugs!

health coaching client


I want to thank you, Justina, for this fantastic first month through the plan you made for me. According to Medical Medium, I discovered what healthy eating is through super tasty recipes, and with the supplementation, I am already feeling the first effects. More energy, beautiful skin, and stronger nails, I can't remember them ever like this! Thank you for everything, for the motivation you gave me, and for the personalized follow-up. I also wanted to tell you that I’m at peace, confident, full of hope, so blessed. I’m extremely happy that I found you and Medical Medium.

health coaching client


Really appreciate your encouragement today. You made me feel it’s possible to turn my health around when I felt like giving up, you made it simple for me! I’m feeling heaps lighter, and less bloated, the bloating is slowly disappearing which is amazing. I feel less self-conscious out in the world. I’ve started getting compliments.

health coaching client


Thank You, Justina and Medical Medium!  Just 6 weeks after my cancer diagnosis, my platelets are back to near normal numbers and even my blood pressure is within the normal range for the first time in decades! I am over the moon grateful, and I recommend Medical Medium and Justina with my whole heart!



After 3 weeks without the "no foods", I felt many benefits: more energy, mental clarity, good mood, confidence. For the first time in my life I could read a book for 1:30h a book without being sleepy! That is so empowering! I used to have brain fog and couldn't focus reading a book longer than 15-20 minutes. I would feel very tired fast. All bloating went away, I had it every day. Menstruation pain also disappeared. In general, I feel more energetic, can communicate better and have a clear mind. My skin is still healing, but I don't have as much eczema as before! Acne was gone too! I'm so happy with the results from the no-foods diet and morning cleanse. Thanks Justina!

How can we work
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Sign Up part

How can we work together?

Green Goodness


Free Discovery Call

On this 15-minute call, you will share your main health concerns and I will give you a clear recommendation for how much time I believe we will need together to cover everything and comment on pricing.


Initial Coaching Call

Before our 60-minute call, you will receive a comprehensive intake form to complete,.

After our call in 48 hours, you will receive a summary of your strategy and a protocol tailored to your plan. We will set the ground for your healing strategy and plan future steps.


Follow-Up Calls and Chat

Committing to a long-term plan is highly beneficial because many triggers can pull you back. I can hold your hand and guide you for 1–3 months via weekly calls and daily chat support in my “Focused Healing” program. More details about the program will be explained on the Discovery Call.

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